Wednesday, November 10, 2010

On-line Math Resources

Ten Marks
Here is a new online math tutoring service designed to supplement classroom instruction. Teachers can sign up for this free resource,assign math practice problems to students, and track their progress. If a student gets stuck on a problem he or she can open a tutorial for help. 10 Marks provides teachers with the option to CC parents on the assignments sent to students. The online curriculum provided by Ten Marks can be aligned to state standards. And did I mention that it's free?

Monday, May 24, 2010

100 Inspiring Ways to Use Social Media in the Classroom

In an amazingly short amount of time, social media sites like Facebook have evolved from fun ways to connect with others to powerful tools for business and education. Social media provides many new and exciting opportunities for students to learn. This list from Online University is sure to spark some educational ideas for your classroom.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Guess What? Kids don't e-mail anymore....

With more than 400 million Facebook users, and the number increasing exponentially, social media represents a fundamental shift in the way we communicate. Other statistics that educators must consider include:
  • Over 50% of the world’s population is under 30-years-old
  • 96% of them have joined a social network
  • Facebook tops Google for weekly traffic in the U.S.
Clearly Social Media is not a fad. According to a new Nielson report, social networking has overtaken personal e-mail as the 4th most popular online sector in the world. The implications for education are enormous. Still not convinced? Watch this Social Media Revolution Video for even more statistics.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Flip Videos in the Classroom

Thanks to online collaboration, teachers all over the world are brainstorming ways to use pocket video cameras like Flip in the classroom. Here's a slide show that shares just some of those ideas.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Improve your memory with Headmagnet

What a cool idea! Headmagnet is a free website with tools for helping you to remember, whether vocabulary words, event dates, quotes, birthdays, even names and faces. Students can use headmagnet to create their own flashcards and share flashcards with friends. They can also browse public galleries of flashcards. Study lists can be saved and tracked, and there are mutliple study mode options. . Headmagnet is also a great resource for anyone looking for help remembering anything. Check it out at

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

VoiceThread for Education

VoiceThread offers amazing opportunities for educational technology by allowing students and teachers to create, comment, and collaborate with digital storytelling and online multimedia projects. The possibilities are endless! VT projects in the works at HES include a 5th-grade poetry assignment that will allow students to display and reflect on original, illustrated poems; and a 2nd-grade author study.